
Art Bell and Chemtrails

So tonight there is an old Art Bell Coast to Coast AM playing.  I don’t know the original air date and it really doesn’t matter.  What is awesome about it is that he is talking about the abundance of chemtrails that day.  He wonders what it means.  It makes me laugh because he was talking about it way back then (he and my mom, really) and we’re still talking about it today.  And ever since the mysterious snow that won’t melt in Atlanta, it seems like more people are taking notice and listening to Bell’s successors, George Noory and Clive Lewis.

Will El Nino Save California?

A day after Clive Lewis talked about weaponized weather and weather manipulation, now there are reports that there is a 75% chance that an El Nino weather patter could move in later this year and drench California. 

This would be amazing.  However, one has to wonder if this weather event might be in the process of being created at this very moment by scientists.  With the right combination of chemtrails and lasers, could the next El Nino be a laboratory creation?

What would a salvation-laced El Nino do to California politics?


Move Over Chemtrails! Time for Lasers and the Omega Lock!

Check out this latest broadcast from Clive Lewis and Ground Zero Radio:

Clive Lewis is reporting that proof of weather modification has been released–allegedly–on the news.  Instead of chemtrails and contrails, now it is lasers that can be used to pull moisture from the air and cause precipitation.

Not only that, but John Kerry is proposing that extreme weather poses a global threat.  Of course, humans are the cause of it.  But is weather being manipulated into a weapon?  Weaponized weather?

Read the article…it’s pretty incredible.

Nothing Like Chemtrails to Ruin a Perfectly Blue Sky

It’s a gorgeous morning in San Diego.  The sky is perfectly blue and it was crystal clear…until the chemtrails started.  I haven’t seen any lately.  Then I spotted one earlier and it quickly dissipated.  Haha, #ChemtrailFail, I thought.  Then I looked again a while later and a huge one is marring the beauty of the sky.  *sigh*

What was a clear blue day is now hazy in that one area.  So what, pray tell, is in that stuff?

This is why I listen to my Mom.  And Clive Lewis and George Noory.  Something is going on…but what?

More on the Snow that Won’t Melt and Absent Chemtrails and Contrails

If you haven’t been able to tell, I’m kind of obsessed with the idea of snow that won’t melt, or snow that isn’t real and has been created by some strange military/government conspiracy.  It’s like a real-life version of The X-Files, except we have Clive Lewis leading the charge instead of Fox Mulder.

What interests me even more is the fact that when you Google “snow that won’t melt” you only get a few listings.  Personally, if someone said the snow wasn’t melting, I’d think the media outlets would be clamoring to try it out.  Not so.  The media was having more fun covering the Walking Dead-like traffic jams in Atlanta than covering something like this.  And rightly so, perhaps.  But if snow isn’t melting, it should at least be mentioned. 

And after thinking about it even more, I haven’t seen as many chemtrails/contrails in my skies lately.  They used to happen daily.  Now, not so much.  Maybe “they” know the Internet is on to them…

I found a few links that are interesting, though.  This is the extent of the “coverage” and it proves that no one really wants to talk about it, for some reason.  I still think it’s interesting.  After all of these years of my mom talking about chemtrails and contrails, she’s thrilled to see people talking about them and “waking up” to what’s going on in the sky. (The comments on this article are really fun to read)


What is in the Rain? Chemtrails, Contrails and Possibly Some of China’s Polluted Air

Not surprisingly, the mainstream media is not talking about the snow that won’t melt.  People have reported that the snow that fell in the southern states won’t melt with a lighter, and even when you microwave it, there is a weird gooey residue left behind.  Surely this is newsworthy, right?

When I was a kid in the 80s, my mom told me about acid rain.  I’d run around on the school playground telling teachers that we had to go inside.  The rain smelled funny. 

Last week there was an article online about how China’s polluted air is circulating through the jetstream, and it’s headed straight for the West Coast.  What this means, according to the article, is that there is a possibility that this polluted air could indeed produce acid rain. 

Great.  We have traces of radiation showing up from Fukushima, snow that won’t melt, toxic air blowing in from China, and then whatever it is that the planes are leaving in the chemtrails and contrails.

Does thinking about these things make me a conspiracy theorist? Maybe.  I’d like to know why everyone is so caught up with global warming but no one talks about this stuff.  Obviously the media doesn’t want to talk about anything that falls outside of the buzzworthy topics that are good for their ratings.  Thankfully there are people like Clive Lewis and George Noory who like to bring these topics to the forefront.

Chemtrails and Contrails and Snow, Oh My! How to Melt Snow that Won’t Melt.

It snowed in the South and caused a widespread panic.  Frankly, if it snowed in San Diego I’d feel the same way.  But what’s more interesting about the unusual weather event is that some people attempted to melt the snow…and it wouldn’t melt.

Clive Lewis has a radio show called Ground Zero.  Yes, he’s a conspiracy theorist.  But there’s nothing wrong with that.  This is a link to his show last night:

My mom has been talking about Chemtrails and Contrails for years.  If you don’t know what they are, look up into the sky on a clear day and watch for airplanes making lines all over the place.  After they make their lines, it gets rather cloudy.  Mom is always talking about these planes messing up our air.  As I listened to Clive Lewis last night, I started to realize that there is a lot of truth to this. 

I agree with him…what makes a person attempt to melt snow in the first place? 

I’m not sure what to make out of all of this, but it was enough to get me thinking.  My grandfather used to talk about how the military sprayed stuff over San Francisco, and there seems to be truth to that.  What else is going on that we don’t know about?